The Journey Begins: From Surprise to Scan

The Journey Begins: From Surprise to Scan

Hey mamas (and parents-to-be), I’m back with another chapter in our journey through motherhood. Today, I want to take you back to where it all began – the moment I found out I was pregnant.

Now, my husband and I had talked about having kids someday, but the timing couldn't have been more unexpected. I remember standing there in complete disbelief for a few moments before the panic set in and my mind began racing - we weren’t even living in our own place, I had just started a new job, he was just about to leave his job, I still had 2 years left for my degree, we hadn’t even had our honeymoon yet, what would we do for money, where were we going to live and raise this baby, how were we going to manage… this went on and on and on!

My husband was at his family’s about when I found out and I wanted to experience his reaction in person, so there was the question of how do I tell him… the only thing I was certain of was that I needed to tell him as soon as possible, so I called him and told him to come to see me... now obviously he had no sense of urgency as I didn’t want to give anything away or make him worry - and he is a very laid back guy, so it took him about 4 hours to meet me. This entire time, I felt sick (and not from the pregnancy!) However, this gave me plenty of time to figure out how to tell him!

How did I break it to him? I bought a small gift box and a onesie that said "I love my baba" and I put that in there along with the positive test and waited for him. I will never forget the look of confusion followed by the biggest smile, then an undeniable sense of joy washed over me – the kind that comes with knowing that something incredible is on the horizon, that we were 2 people in love, bringing a new life into this world and expanding our loving family… even if we have no idea what to expect. From then we dove headfirst into preparing for parenthood, making lists, rearranging our schedules, viewings after viewings of properties, moving into our new home and finally, redecorating!

The first scan was at 12 weeks, the time leading up to this felt like an eternity, knowing I was pregnant but not being able to feel or see any existence of my baby, but the first time we heard our baby's heartbeat at the 12-week scan was a moment of pure bliss, she was bouncing around up and moving so much I couldn’t believe it. Suddenly, all the stress and uncertainty melted away, replaced by a sense of wonder and awe at the miracle growing inside of me.

I want to know what went through your minds when you first found out you were pregnant! What anxieties did you have? How did you tell your partner, or perhaps you found out together? What was your priorities and where did you go for advice?!

Next blog post will be all about my birth plan, hospital bag… and the reality! Until then, keep smiling, keep laughing, and keep embracing the beautiful chaos of motherhood!

From my heart to yours,

RB 🌹


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